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Academic Conferences

Blake OstlerWhile many conferences I've designated as "popular" on another page also include quality presentations by scholars in the language of scholarship, this page is for those conferences where the standards of scholarship are espoused by the sponsoring organizations on topics related to Mormon Studies.

If you are aware of any conferences (or academic lectures) where papers on Mormonism will be presented, even if only one presenter will be addressing the topic, please contact me.

This page includes:

Photo Courtesy The Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology

Academic Societies & Associations

Though there are more Societies and Associations focused on Mormon Studies than I have included, I have only listed those which hold regular conferences. For an extensive list of Mormon Studies Resources, click here.

Societies and Associations focused on Mormon Studies

Name of Society Next Conference Location Date
Mormon History Association San Antonio, Texas 5-8 Jun 2014
Association of Mormon Counselors
and Psychotherapists
Salt Lake City, Utah 2-3 Oct 2014
Claremont Mormon Studies
Student Association
Claremont Graduate University Claremont, California TBD 2014
The Brazilian Association for
Mormon Studies
TBD TBD 2014
Association for Mormon Letters TBD TBD 2014
Students of the Ancient Near East Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
TBD 2014
John Whitmer Historical Association TBD TBD 2014
The Society for Mormon
Philosophy and Theology
TBD TBD 2014
European Mormon Studies Association TBD TBD 2014
Mormon Scholars in the Humanities TBD TBD 2015

Other Societies that Present Papers on Mormon Studies

The following organizations hold annual conferences where papers related to Mormon Studies are regularly presented, though the focus is not principally Mormonism.

Name of Society Next Conference Location Date
Pacific Region of American Academy of Religion / Society of Biblical Literature Calgary, Alberta 9-11 May 2014
Center for Studies on New Religions Waco, Texas 5-8 Jun 2014
Communal Studies Association Butler & Beaver Counties, PA TBD 2014
Western History Association Tucson, Arizona TBD 2014
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion / Religious Research Association Boston, Massachusetts TBD 2014
American Academy of Religion / Society of Biblical Literature Baltimore, Maryland TBD 2014
Utah State Historical Society Salt Lake City, Utah TBD 2014
American Society of Church History TBD TBD 2015


Mormon Studies Programs

The following institutions are focused on Religious Studies, with a strong emphasis on Mormon Studies research, and hold a variety of events where scholarship is presented on topics related to Mormonism.

Claremont Graduate University School of Religion


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
TBD Claremont Graduate University School of Religion,
Claremont Graduate University

Religious Studies Center - Brigham Young University


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
BYU Religious Education
Student Symposium
BYU Religious Education and
Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University
TBD 2015
Church History Symposium: "The World Wide Church: The Global Reach of Mormonism​" LDS Historical Department and Religious Studies Center,
Salt Lake City
and Brigham Young University
TBD 2015

University of Wyoming Religious Studies Program


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
Latter-day Saints & Their World Lecture Series University of Wyoming Religious Studies Program,
Laramie, Wyoming
TBD 2014

Utah State University Religious Studies Program


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
Leonard J. Arrington
Mormon History Lecture Series
Utah State University Special
Collections and Archives,
Logan, Utah
TBD 2014

Utah Valley University Religious Studies Program


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
Eugene England Memorial Lecture UVU Religious Studies Program,
Utah Valley University
TBD 2014
Mormon Studies Conference UVU Religious Studies Program, UVU College of Humanities and Social Sciences, UVU Department of Communicationand Utah Democracy Project/ Center for the Study of Ethics,
Utah Valley University
TBD 2014


Other Academic Conferences & Lectures

These include events sponsored by academic institutions, foundations, and seminars, as well as ad hoc presentations.

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
Neal A. Maxwell Lecture Neal A. Maxwell Institute,
Brigham Young University
TBD 2014
Study of the Scriptures Biennial Conference Laura F. Willes Center for
Book of Mormon Studies,
Brigham Young University
TBD 2014
Summer Seminar Symposium Neal A. Maxwell Institute,
Brigham Young University
TBD 2014

The Miller Eccles Study Group


Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
Adam Miller: "Letters to a Young Mormon" The Miller Eccles Study Group,
Orange and LA Counties, CA
19-20 Sep 2014

Annual Events

Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date
BYU New Testament Commentary Brigham Young University 14-15 May 2014
Mormon Theology Seminar Neal A. Maxwell Institute,
BYU London Center,
London, England
20 Jun 2014
Mormon Culture Summer Seminar: "The History of the Mormon Family" Mormon Scholars Foundation,
Brigham Young University
25 Jul 2014
Sperry Symposium BYU Religious Education,
Church Education System, and
BYU Continuing Education, Brigham Young University
24-25 Oct 2014
Counterpoint Conference Mormon Women's Forum,
Salt Lake City, Utah
TBD 2014
Biennial Art, Belief,
Meaning Symposium
BYU Museum of Art,
Brigham Young University
TBD 2014
A. Dean Larsen Book
Collecting Conference
L. Tom Perry
Special Collections,
Brigham Young University
TBD 2015
Restoration Studies Symposium Community of Christ Seminary,
John Whitmer Historical Association, and Sunstone Education Foundation,
Independence, Missouri
TBD 2015

Other Upcoming Events

Name of Event Sponsors & Location Date

See all of these events in the Big Calendar, or subscribe to receive updates FREE.

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